Educational Materials

Heart Conditions

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To learn about heart conditions and stroke, browse any of the topics below. Many topics also available in Spanish.


There are plenty of reasons to take steps to prevent and manage diabetes. Find helpful heart-health resources.

Cardiac Arrest 
Cardiac arrest is the sudden loss of heart function. Know who is at risk and how to improve your odds for health.

Cardiac Rehab 
Advocate for a healthier you! Take an active role after a heart attack or heart disease diagnosis.


Learn about several types of arrhythmias, or irregular heartbeats. Some need treatment, many do not. Learn the difference.

Cardiomyopathy in Adults 
This disease of the heart muscle often goes unrecognized. Knowledge can be a powerful preventative and treatment tool.

High cholesterol can put you at risk for heart disease or stroke. But you can improve your numbers with a sound treatment plan.


Cardiovascular Conditions of Childhood 
If your child has been diagnosed with a heart condition, you may have lots of questions. Find answers here.

Congenital Heart Defects 
Children and adults can be diagnosed with a heart defect. Learn about the types of defects and available treatment options.

Heart Valve Problems and Disease 
What happens when a heart valve is not working properly? Equip yourself with knowledge so you can get the right diagnosis and treatment plan.


Metabolic Syndrome 
This group of factors can multiply your risks for heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Focused changes can improve your health.

Heart Failure (HF) 
When your heart isn't pumping enough blood, it's a serious but manageable condition. You can live well and reduce your symptoms.

High Blood Pressure (HBP) 
Untreated HBP damages and scars your arteries, which can have deadly consequences. Learn how to keep BP in the healthy range.


Heart Attack 
After a heart attack, you can regain your life again! Learn about the causes, therapies and treatments for heart attack.

Many factors can cause pericarditis, a condition in which the membrane around your heart is inflamed. Learn the symptoms.

Stroke occurs when a blood vessel either bursts or is blocked. It's a leading cause of death, yet many risk factors are preventable.


Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) 
PAD may occur when blood vessels of your legs, arms or torso are narrowed by plaque. Discover treatment and prevention options.

Vascular Health 
Vascular disease affects millions of Americans. Are you one of them? Learn the facts and take the journey to good health.

Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) 
VTE occurs when blood clots form in the vein. Early diagnosis and treatment can often lead to recovery. Learn more about VTE here.